HS Codes Chapter
Chapter Codes Chapter Description
Chapter 520100Harmonized System Codes of Chapter 520100 :COTTON, NOT CARDED OR COMBED
HS Codes Heading
Heading Codes Heading Description
52010011 Cotton, not carded or combed:Indian cotton:Bengal deshi
52010012 Cotton, not carded or combed:Indian cotton:Indian cotton of staple lengths 20.5 mm (25/32") and below (e. g. oomras, yellow picking, Assam comillas)
52010013 Cotton, not carded or combed:Indian cotton:Indian cotton of staple length exceeding 20.5mm (26/32") but not exceeding 24.5mm (30/32")
52010014 Cotton, not carded or combed:Indian cotton:Indian cotton of staple length over 24.5 mm (31/32) to 28 mm
52010015 Cotton, not carded or combed:Indian cotton:Indian cotton of staple length 28.5 mm (14/32) and above but below 34.5 mm
52010019 Cotton, not carded or combed:Indian cotton:Indian cotton of all staple length 34.5 mm and above (112/32)
52010020 Cotton, not carded or combed:Indian cotton:Cotton, other than Indian, of all staple lengths
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