Highlighting the opinions and thoughts of policymakers and think-tanks on global trade and foreign policy
The low oil price is leaving Germans more money to spend, while the weak euro is boosting exports.
(Source: CESifo Group)
Prof. Timo Wollmershäuser, Interim Director, Ifo Centre for Business Cycle Analysis and Surveys - After his institute upgraded its forecast for Germany’s GDP growth in 2015
China and India should be partners in Silk Road projects. We should be primary pushers of the projects. We are the pioneers of globalisation. We can set the rules. We can cooperate with each other.
(Source: PTI)
Liu Jinsong, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, china - Ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s proposed trip to China
India is the destination for foreign investors. Our ‘Make in Maharashtra’ initiative is a mission to open up greater opportunities for foreign investors.
(Source: PTI)
Devendra Fadnavis, Chief Minister, Maharashtra - Giving his own touch to the Prime Minister’s pet project
Any other country that wishes to enter into the arrangement has to formally send its request to both countries.
(Source: Voice of America)
Khurram Dastgir Khan, Pakistani Commerce Minister - Reacting to Afghan calls for including India in the Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA)
We face significant challenges to trading abroad – from state owned enterprises to weak intellectual property protections. Trade agreements would tackle these challenges and make sure the world plays by our rules, not China’s.
(Source: www.marketwatch.com)
Wendy Jameson, Founder and CEO, Colnatec - Commenting on the introduction of TPA legislation in the US Senate
The export trend for manufacturers has weakened in a sign that the strong pound is hitting demand for UK goods in overseas markets. Further export losses look likely in coming months, dealing another blow to hopes that the UK economy is rebalancing away from domestic consumption towards exports.
(Source: Markit)
Chris Williamson, Chief Economist, Markit - Reacting to the UK’s trade deficit worsening even further
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