Monologue - People Speak – December 2015 March 2018 issue

Monologue - People Speak – December 2015

Highlighting the opinions and thoughts of policymakers and think-tanks on global trade and foreign policy

We have come back further and faster from recession than nearly every other advanced nation on Earth. That’s real progress. But as any middle-class family will tell you, we have more to do. That’s why I believe the Trans-Pacific Partnership is so important. It’s a trade deal that helps working families get ahead.





Barack Obama President of the United States of America About the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal


If you visit India, you will experience the wind of change. It is reflected in the surge of investments from around the world, in enhanced stability of our economy, in 190 million new bank accounts of hope and inclusion.




Source: International Business Times


Narendra Modi Prime Minister of India, In an address to the British Parliament.


An extremely aggressive monetary policy eventually may have tremendous consequences for financial stability.

Raghurama Rajan



Source: Economic Times



Raghuram Rajan Governor, Reserve Bank of India Warning of global threat from easy money at an event in Germany.


We wish that the sea trade routes stay free and safe, because they are important for all.

Angela Merkel  German Chancellor


Source: The Guardian



Angela Merkel German Chancellor On the topic of dispute in South China Sea, which may affect trade routes.


Those who advocate Britain leaving need to explain how the league of 1 will compare with the league of 28. Our membership of the European Union gives us free trade agreements with more than 50 countries around the world.

David Cameron Prime Minister of the United Kingdom



Source: GOV.UK



David Cameron Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Setting out the case for UK’s referendum on the EU membership to be conducted in 2017.

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