In the world of export-import, each shipment counts. And you cannot afford to make any “uninformed investment”. So, if you have any doubt or a question, ask us. Our team of experts at The Dollar Business Intelligence Unit will be happy to answer your queries. Your question(s), if approved, will also be published on, and/or in the forthcoming issue of The Dollar Business
I want to import dry lead battery scrap from South Sudan (Africa) into Mundra Port in India. Can I import them from this origin? Or import of the product from Sudan is banned? Please advise. (Alok, Director, Xcel Traders Ltd., +91-9997113XXX, [email protected])
Dear Alok: We assume you want to import waste and scrap of batteries falling under ITC HS Code: 8548. Since the import of products under the said HS Code is restricted you need to apply for grant of an ‘Authorisation’ for import or export of the said items to RA, with a copy to DGFT headquarters in ANF 2M (as prescribed in Handbook of Procedures) along with documents prescribed therein. Original application along with Treasury Receipt (TR) / Demand Draft needs to be submitted to RA concerned and self-attested copy of same needs to be submitted to DGFT in duplicate along with proof of submission of application to concerned RA. [In case our assumption about the intended export product isn’t exact, please write to us.
Response by: Steven Philip Warner President (VMPL) & Editor-in-Chief, The Dollar Business
I am a pepper grower based out of Tamil Nadu. Could you give me updates on spot and futures on pepper? Will it be advisable to hold on to my pepper inventory this year, or should I sell it at current prices? (Ernest Bhaskar, Sancta Maria Estate, Tamil Nadu, +91-9842420XXX, [email protected])
Dear Ernest: Unlike other internationally traded agri-commodities like rice, wheat, etc., we need to understand that pepper is a high-value crop, and its performance depends on many factors. With regards to your question of whether it is advisable to hold on to pepper this current year, there are few more details that I would have liked to know before answering this question. What is the scale of your operations i.e. whether you are an SME or a large player? What was the impact of the last monsoon on your business? Was it a major factor affecting your produce? And what about the quality of your produce and how has it been faring vis-à-vis the competition lately? We will also have to factor in the currency fluctuations. I believe all these factors needs to be assessed while advising a forecast.
Secondly, we need to look at the larger global context. This year, exports of pepper has not been very encouraging, and both Indian market and the world markets in this segment have been dominated by Vietnam. That’s why a forecast for just one year would not be correct. As things stand today, there is no clarity on whether there will be a good monsoon this year. If the monsoon in India turns out to be good and Vietnam too continues to enjoy a good produce besides exploiting its surplus, then undoubtedly prices of pepper in global markets will go down. In a nutshell, considering the recent trends, I don’t foresee any particular significant change in the status quo and I believe Vietnam will continue to dominate major markets, with Indian players lagging. As such, the current levels of prices available to Indian producers and exporters will suffer no significant dip.
Response by: Vijay Sardana Co-Chairman, Agri-Business Committee, PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry
I want to export surgical products and sports goods from India. I already have an Importer Exporter Code (IEC). How do I find overseas buyers of these products? (Ankit Prajapati, Proprietor, Oso Contractor & Suppliers, +91-9634113XXX, [email protected])
Dear Ankit: We are happy to hear of your decision to head into the world of foreign trade. You can approach your concerned associations – Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council (PHARMEXCIL) for pharma products and Sports Goods Export Promotion Council (SGEPC) for sports goods – for assistance or directly reach out to potential buyers by posting your product information on From discovering the best markets to source from or supply to, to overcoming statutory and procedural challenges with respect to exports-imports documentation, to identifying the right logistics partners, International Marketplace understands all your requirements and accordingly connects you with the right market and partners so that you can make a fortune out of foreign trade.
Additionally, you can also explore The Dollar Business CONNECT Programme (You can read more on TDB CONNECT Programme on that gives an in-the-making super successful exporter like you the access to The Dollar Business Eximaps (, the most powerful buyer discovery and competition analysis tool for Indian exporters, which ensures you touch newer highs in global trade. In case you have further queries, do write back to us.
Response by: Manish K. Pandey Editor, The Dollar Business
Is there any export incentive available under Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) for Indian Kabuli Chickpeas (HS Code: 07132000)? (Bharat Parekh, Director, Tricos Exports Pvt. Ltd., +91-9820034XXX, [email protected])
Dear Bharat: Indian Kabuli Chickpeas (HS Code: 07132000) does not qualify for MEIS benefit or any other such benefit under the new Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020.
Response by: Dr. A. K. Sengupta Chief Consulting Editor The Dollar Business
I want to export charcoal. What is its HS Code and what are the countries that buy acacia wood charcoal? (Rajesh, Rajesh Enterprise, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, +91-9586091XXX, [email protected])
Dear Rajesh: We assume you are interested in exporting wood charcoal falling under HS Code: 44029090. Industry data reveals that India is not a big exporter of wood charcoal falling under the said HS Code. In fact,India ranks 26th in the world when it comes to exports of wood charcoal and accounts for just 0.81% share in global exports of the product.
India’s only significant export destination for the product falling under the said HS Code is Bhutan (the country accounts for about 96% of India’s total exports of the product), though the country is also exporting the product to Netherlands, Czech Republic and Sri Lanka in small quantities. Further, sadly, India’s exports under the HS Code: 44029090 has only been falling over the last few years. More of such pure, researched data is available to members of The Dollar Business Grow Programme.
(You can read more on TDB Membership Programme on In case our assumptions about intended export product isn’t exact, please write to us. TDB Intelligence Unit would like to hear from you.
Response by: Indranil Das Executive Editor The Dollar Business
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