Since the secession of South Sudan in July 2011, Sudan has been struggling to stabilise its economy as a majority of oil and gas reserves went to South Sudan. To make up for the loss of foreign exchange earnings, the third-largest country in Africa has been making some serious efforts to expand its exports base by leveraging its extensive agricultural and livestock resources. The results are encouraging.
TDB Intelligence Unit | June Issue 2017 | The Dollar Business
Sudan’s exports has been hit hard by the commodity crisis and the decline in crude prices. The conflict and humanitarian crisis in Darfur have only added to its woes and this normally trade surplus country has in recent years run up a huge trade deficit. In CY2016, the country posted the lowest export figures in over a decade.
Mineral fuels and oil usually fill more than half of Sudan’s exports basket. However, in the recent years, with the decline in petroleum prices, Sudan has been focussing on exports of agricultural and livestock products.
The Sudanese are known for their sweet tooth. Ever since the government removed customs duty on sugar in 2012, it has been one of the most imported items. Sudan also imports a significant amount of motor vehicles.
In FY2017, Sudan’s major export products to India majorly comprised a variety of pulses and certain roots and tubers, followed by oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, Arabic gum and rough wood.
Sugar & sugar confectionery are the most imported items from India, followed by clothing & apparel, woven fabrics of cotton and pharmaceutical products. Sudan is also an important market for Indian motor vehicle manufacturers.
Ever since the secession of South Sudan, Sudan has had a negative trade balance with India. In FY2016, its exports to India dropped sharply, 73.80% y-o-y, widening the trade deficit further. Sudan’s imports from India also declined 11.34% y-o-y in FY2016. The two countries are now working towards improving trade ties.
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