Completion of Data Entry in DIGIT
Dated 2nd April 2018 | Copy of | Customs Instruction No.6
Government of India
Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise & Customs (Anti-Smuggling Unit)
New Delhi
All Principal Chief Commissioners/Chief Commissioners of Customs/Customs (Preventive), All Principal Commissioners/Commissioners of Customs/Customs (Preventive), The Director General, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence
Completion of Data Entry in DIGIT; Uploading of Show Cause Notices and Adjudication Orders in DIGIT - regarding.
In supersession of Instruction No.5/2018-Customs dated 28.03.2018 issued vide F.No.391/40/2017-Cus(AS), the undersigned is directed to convey that the Board and the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence have repeatedly emphasised the importance of timely completion of data entry in DIGIT by all formations and the need to rely on DIGIT as a complete database for Customs offences.
2. Use of DIGIT as the single source of Customs offences would be possible only when all concerned formations complete the task of data entry in DIGIT and keep it updated. Failure in keeping the offence database up-to-date would hinder the flow of vital information, its exchange and its timely utilisation and would thus jeopardize the enforcement and risk management objectives of the Department.
3. In this background, it had been decided that all formations would complete data entry in DIGIT by 31st March, 2018. However, some formations have represented that the task of entry of data in respect of old cases would require more time. This matter was also discussed at the Chief Commissioners and Directors General Conference, 2018 on tariff and allied matters. Keeping in mind the practical difficulties faced by the field formations, the Board has decided to extend the time limit by a further period of three months. Accordingly, data entry of all cases should now be completed by all formations before 31st July, 2018.
4. Further, the Board desires that from 1st April, 2018, all Show Cause Notices and adjudication orders must be uploaded on DIGIT. It must also be ensured that Show Cause Notices are issued well within the stipulated time period and are not delayed till the last day. Board shall be monitoring the developments through DRI and failure of zones/formations to complete the task within the stipulated time period or non-uploading of Show Cause Notices and adjudication orders in DIGIT shall be viewed very seriously.
(Rohit Anand)
Under Secretary to the Government of India