EODC Monitoring System for Advance/EPCG Authorisations
Dated 02nd April, 2018 | Copy of | DGFT Trade Notice No.1 |
All RAs
All Export Promotion Councils
Advance/EPCG authorisation holders.
EODC Monitoring System for Advance/EPCG Authorisations -reg
Attention of all RAs. Export Promotion Councils and Advance/EPCG authorisation holders is invited to EODC monitoring system (web site) developed by DGFT, which can be accessed at http://eodc.online. This system is designed for monitoring the progress of EODC applications of Advance and EPCG authorisations. All RAs are expected to input data related to applications submitted by exporters for EODC and update the status when either Deficiency letter or EODC is issued. Pending cases for the purpose of this Trade Notice shall be all requests/replies which were submitted for grant of EODC and are yet be disposed off irrespective of time limits specified in HBP for disposal of such cases, i.e. once a request/reply to D/L for EODC is submitted by the exporter, it would become pending till such time EODC is issued.
2. It is to be noted that a facility has also been provided for exporters to view status of their pending EODC applications. In case, if their EODC applications are pending with RA and system is not showing it as pending, exporters can raise a query in the system and RAs would take consequential action in this matter so that such applications are entered into the system.
3. Once a query is raised by any exporter, RA shall verify whether any such application is submitted for EODC of AA/EPCG which is yet to be disposed off. RA can accept or reject the query. While rejecting query RA shall give reasons for rejection in the remarks column.
a) RA can reject query, when it is found that no such application has been submitted or RA has already entered the details of pending case.
b) RA should accept a query:
i. If such application is already submitted by the applicant but the same is not yet entered by RA in the EODC monitoring system.
ii. On acceptance, RA should update the status with either EODC issued/DL issued.
iii. If no such EODC/DL issued and case is still pending, RA can accept the query and can update status subsequently.
4. As this monitoring system is developed as a new standalone system, in the beginning, status related to all pending authorisations may not be visible. It is therefore requested that all exporters whose EODC cases are pending with various RAs, may feed their pending data using ‘Raise Query’ option. This will enable RAs to monitor and dispose their cases faster. It is advised to all authorisation holders that before raising any query, they should check the status of their applications online.
5. Exporters may also draw the attention of RAs in respect of their pending applications using contact@dgft service (addressed to RA concerned) through DGFT website http://dgft.gov.in. Any queries related to the functioning of this EODC monitoring system can be addressed by email to [email protected].
(Alok Vardhan Chaturvedi)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
Issued by:
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
New Delhi