Indias spices exports reach an all-time high in FY17
The Dollar Business Bureau India’s exports of spices and spice products surged 12% to an all-time high in terms of value and also in volume terms in the financial year 2016-17, a communication from the Spices Board on Wednesday revealed. India exported Rs.17,664.61 crore ($2633.3 million) worth of spice products in 2016-17. In terms of volume, it stood at 9,47,790 tonnes. In the fiscal of 2015-16, the spice products export stood at 8,43,255 tonnes in terms of volume and at Rs.16238.23 crore ($ 2482.83 million) in value terms. “India has surpassed all previous export records and has fulfilled the increasing international demand for its quality spices in the face of tough competition in global markets. More satisfying was the fact that the ...