Search Result for : Dispute Settlement Board

WTO rules against India in case of poultry-imports from US

Sai Nikesh | The Dollar Business The World Trade Organization, on Thursday, ruled against India over ‘India denying importing of various agricultural products, especially the poultry, from the United States citing concerns related to Avian Influenza (AI)’. Based on the proceedings over the issue that dates back to March 6, 2012 when the ‘US requested consultations with India with respect to (w.r.t) the prohibitions imposed by India related to AI’, the WTO appellate body concluded that ‘India's AI measures amounted to an import prohibition that was not based on the relevant international standard or a scientific risk assessment,’ as recommended by the dispute settlement panel. It also concluded that based on the panel recommendations w.r.t the international Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) ...