Indian export control regime revamped; overhaul of SCOMET list
By Ranjeet Mahtani, Suhasini Joshi & Darshan Bora Globally, export control regimes are designed to control the export of dual-use goods and technologies which can be used in both - civilian as well as military applications. Among other things, export control regulations involve subjecting exports of specified items to prior authorization / licensing. The objective is to prevent illegitimate trade in such dual-use items and control the export of products to countries that are considered as a national threat. Recent overhaul of Indian SCOMET list The Indian Export Control regulations have been significantly overhauled by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) with effect from May 1, 2017. The amendments seek to revise the Special Chemical, Organisms, Materials, Equipment and Technologies category (SCOMET) ...

Indias move towards N-deal and export control regime gains mixed response
Sai Nikesh | The Dollar Business Aimed at strengthening global non-proliferation and export control regimes, India’s bid to join as a member in a 48-member Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and a permanent seat in United Nations Security Council (UNSC) gained special focus in the world media. Pakistan said that this move will have an adverse affect on the political and economic stability in South Asia and will also weaken the non-proliferation regime. Reacting to the United States backing to India’s NSG membership, Pakistan Prime Minister's Adviser on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said, "We have also noted the joint statement suggesting that India is ready for NSG membership and other export control regimes.” However, he said, Pakistan is not ...