Next edition of consolidated FDI policy released by DIPP
The Dollar Business Bureau The next edition of consolidated FDI policy details were released by the Ministry of Commerce on Aug 28, incorporating the changes made last year. The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) in its press release said that the ‘new circular will take effect’ from today ie, Aug 28, 2017. The consolidated FDI policy is a compilation of the various decisions taken by the government in the past year and the DIPP which deals with FDI related matters, compiles all policies related to foreign investment regime into a single document to make it simple and easy for investors to understand. This enables an investor friendly climate for foreign investors who would otherwise have to go through various press notes and ...

Chinese yuan set to join IMFs reserve currency club
The Dollar Business Bureau The International Monetary Firm (IMF) will consider the inclusion of Chinese renminbi (RMB) into the list of its global reserve currency along with the US dollar, British pound, euro and Japanese yen. IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde on Friday said that the issue is a “key focus” of the quinquennial review of the SDR (Special Drawing Rights) basket. Currencies listed in the SDR basket of the global lender can be used as an alternate means to settle international transactions among member countries. The IMF revises its SDR list after the interval of five years and the next review is scheduled to be held on November 30. Ahead of the SDR review, the IMF staff issued a ...