A paradoxical 2017 awaits us!
On one hand, we lament over India’s reduced exports, and on the other, we see no 'social justice' in giving our exporters enough to even cover their input costs in the form of remission and incentive schemes. Steven Philip Warner | January 2017 Issue | The Dollar Business When 2016 began, the world trade community had just braved a cold and icy year. TDB's January 2016 issue titled, ‘2016: Are we regressing?’ summed the low-key expectations from 2016 quite well. Based on a comprehensive consideration of various past situations and expected scenarios (simulative analyses), TDB Intelligence Unit had then made a few forecasts about what the year ahead would mean for foreign trade and policy. They were predictions however, and most of which ...

Greece crisis: Adverse spill-over impact on India to be contained
Sai Nikesh | The Dollar Business A day after Greece’s voters rejected bailout proposals giving rise to likely possibility of ‘Grexit’ from Euro zone, the Government of India, on Monday, said it is closely monitoring the situation with a view that Grexit would have indirect impact on India. While Finance Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi felt that there could be some reaction on the Fed rate hike, the Chief Economic Advisor Subramanian said the country is relatively well insulated from the Greece situation, but, ‘rupee might get affected to some extent due to flight of foreign investment’. Speaking to The Dollar Business, Rana Kapoor, president, Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ASSOCHAM), India, said, “A Grexit will potentially trigger a global risk-off scenario primarily via ...