Poultry imports from US to trigger price war in India
Indian poultry industry is hoping that it will be able to check US imports on the basis of other allegations faced by the US industry The Dollar Business Bureau In June last year, WTO had ruled against India after the country denied imports of poultry and other products from the United States citing concerns about Avian Influenza (AI) The Indian government seems to have been making all out efforts to protect domestic poultry sector from US imports ahead of the June-2016 deadline for removing restrictions on the entry of these products. India has already lost its case in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) against the US which contested Indian authoritys move to ban the entry of poultry items citing concern over avian influenza ...

European Union challenges India on marble import restrictions at World Trade Organisation
The Dollar Business Bureau | @TheDollarBiz A marble quarry site in Carrara, Italy The European Union (EU) has challenged India on the issue of import restrictions on marbles and marble products at the World Trade Organisation (WTO), after the European Commission (EC) received complaints about it from the marble stone industry in Europe. According to the European Commission, the licensing system in place in India restricts the supply of imported marble to domestic users in India. The Commission claims that it has received complaints from its industry that India's current licensing regime for marbles contains restrictions which include an annual import quota below the level of potential imports and a minimum import price. “Such measures not only hit the EU marble ...