DGAD imposes definitive ADD on 47 steel products from China and 5 other countries
The Dollar Business Bureau India imposes definitive anti-dumping duty(ADD), effective for 5 years on 47 products of alloy or non-alloy steel from China PR, Japan, Korea RP, Russia, Brazil and Indonesia. The duty imposed carried a minimum price of $478/ metric tonne to a maximum amount of $561/metric tonne. The ADD would be effective from the date of imposition, April 8, 2017 as notified in the DGAD notification no- 17/2017 dated 11/05/2017. Of the total steel imported in India during 2015-16 the imports of hot rolled and cold rolled coils was 47% and with the imposition of duty it came down to 36%. Now with the latest notification of the government of extending the anti-dumping duties to hot rolled and cold rolled flat ...

Imports of Rubber Chemicals from China PR and Korea RP
Dated October 30th, 2015 | Copy of | Notification Sl92 dt. 30/10/15 | F.No.14/5/2007- DGAD GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF ANTI-DUMPING & ALLIED DUTIES) NOTIFICATION (Final Findings) Subject: - CESTAT remand case in the Final Findings issued in the anti-dumping investigation concerning the imports of Rubber Chemicals, namely, MBT, CBS, TDQ, PVI and TMT originating in or exported from China PR and PX-13(6PPD) originating in or exported from China PR and Korea RP-reg **** No.14/5/2007- DGAD: Having regard to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 as amended from time (hereinafter referred to as the Act) and the Customs Tariff (Identification, Assessment and Collection of Duty or Additional Duty on Dumped Articles and for Determination of Injury) Rules, ...