Imports of Monoisopropylamine from China PR Definitive anti-dumping duty imposed.
Dated 21st March, 2018 | Copy of | Notification No.14/2018-Customs Whereas, in the matter of import of ‘Monoisopropylamine’ (hereinafter referred to as the subject goods) falling under the tariff item 2921 11 90 of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975) (hereinafter referred to as the Customs Tariff Act), originating in, or exported from China PR (hereinafter referred to as the subject country), and imported into India, the designated authority in its final findings vide notification No.14/46/2016-DGAD, dated the 12th February 2018, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part I, Section 1, dated the 12th February 2018, has come to the conclusion that: (i) the product under consideration has been exported to India from the ...

An Area to set up a Multi Product SEZ by M/s. Andhra Pradesh Industrial infrastructure Corporation Ltd
Dated 30th October, 2017 | Copy of | Commerce & Industry Notification Sl.97 |

Extension of time period of anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of Ceramic Tableware and Kitchenware
Dated 4th October, 2017 | Copy of | Anti-Dumping Investigation Office Memorandum | To,All Interested Parties OFFICE MEMORANDUMExtension of time period of anti-dumping investigation concerningimports of “Ceramic Tableware and Kitchenware, excluding knivesand toilet items”, originating in or exported from China PR.”-reg. It is informed that the Central Government vide its Office Memorandum No.354/91/2017- TRU dated 3rd October, 2017 has accorded permission for extension of time up to 12th January, 2018 for completing the above referred anti-dumping investigation and notifying the Final Findings. Sd/-(Shubhra)Director (Foreign Trade) File No.14/05/2016-DGADIssued by:Ministry of Commerce & IndustryDepartment of CommerceDirectorate General of Anti-dumping & Allied DutiesNew Delhi

Notification Number S.O.565(E) dated 11.04.2017 rescinded
Dated 12th September, 2017 | Copy of | Commerce & Industry Notification Sl.83 | Whereas, M/s. Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Limited, had proposed under section 3 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 (28 of 2005), (hereinafter referred to as the said Act) to set up a Sector Specific Special Economic Zone for IT/ITES at Madhurwada Village, Visakhapatnam District in the State of Andhra Pradesh; AND, WHEREAS, the Central Government, in exercise of the powers conferred by subsection (1) of section 4 of the said Act read with rule 8 of the Special Economic Zones Rules 2006, had notified an area of 16 hectares vide Ministry of Commerce and Industry Notification Number S.O.565(E) dated 11.04.2007; AND, WHEREAS, M/s. Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation ...

Passports Application (Facilitation and Processing) Rules, 2010 amended
Dated 24th August, 2017 | Copy of | Notification Sl.23 |

Sodium Dichromate originating in or exported from Russia
Dated 4th July, 2017 | Copy of | Notification Sl.71 | M/s Vishnu Chemicals Limited (hereinafter referred to as ‘petitioner’ or ‘applicant’) has filed an application (also referred to as petition) along with relevant information before the Designated Authority (hereinafter referred to as the Authority) in accordance with the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 as amended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Act’) and Customs Tariff (Identification, Assessment and Collection of Anti-Dumping Duty on Dumped articles and for Determination of injury) Rules. 1995 as amended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as the AD Rules) for initiation of anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of ‘Sodium Dichromate’ (hereinafter referred to as the subject goods) originating in or exported from Russia, ...

Governing Board of Nalanda University constituted
Dated 21st November, 2016 | Copy of | Order | The Hon’ble President of India, in his capacity as the Visitor of Nalanda University, is pleased to approve the following constitution of the Governing Board of Nalanda University, with immediate effect, in accordance with Clause 7 of the Nalanda University Act 2010: (a) Chancellor(b) Vice Chancellor(c) Five Members from Member countries with highest contribution: (i) Representative from India : Shri N.K. Singh(ii) Representative from China(iii) Representative from Australia(iv) Representative from Lao PDR(v) Representative from Thailand (d) Secretary (East), MEA(e) Two representatives from Government of Bihar(f) One representative from the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India(g) Following three persons in the category of “renowned Academician or Educationist”: (i) Professor Arvind Sharma, Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill ...