Imports of Solar Cells whether or not assembled in modules or panels
Dated 5th January, 2018 | Copy of | Safeguard Duty Investigation Notification Sl.1 |

Exchange Rates w.e.f. 08/12/2017.
Dated 7th December, 2017 | Copy of | Notification No.113/2017-Customs | In exercise of the powers conferred by section 14 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), and in supersession of the notification of the Central Board of Excise and Customs No.110/2017-CUSTOMS (N.T.), dated 16th November, 2017 except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby determines that the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies specified in column (2) of each of Schedule I and Schedule II annexed hereto, into Indian currency or vice versa, shall, with effect from 8th December, 2017, be the rate mentioned against it in the corresponding entry in column ...

Auction for Sale (Re-issue) of Government Stock (GS).
Dated 5th December, 2017 | Copy of | Finance Notification dated 05/12/2017 |

Harmonized Master List of Infrastructure Sub-sectors updated
Dated 14th November, 2017 | Copy of | Finance Notification Sl.135 | With the approval of the Competent Authority, an updated Harmonized Master List of Infrastructure Sub-sectors (Annexure-I) is hereby notified. The new list incorporates the following change to the notification dated 17th October, 2017: 1. Widening the Category at serial no.1 which currently reads “Transport” to “Transport and Logistics”. Further, “Logistics Infrastructure” is included by insertion of a new item at position 8 in the renamed category of ‘Transport and Logistics’, with a footnote stating that “Logistics Infrastructure” means and includes Multimodal Logistics Park comprising Inland Container Depot (ICD) with minimum investment of Rs.50 crore and minimum area of 10 acre, Cold Chain Facility with minimum investment of Rs.15 crore and minimum ...

Tariff value of specified goods further revised
Dated 30th November, 2017 | Copy of | Notification No.112/2017-Customs (N.T.) | In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 14 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), the Central Board of Excise & Customs, being satisfied that it is necessary and expedient so to do, hereby makes the following amendment in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No.36/2001-Customs (N.T.), dated the 3rd August, 2001, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-II, Section-3, Sub-section (ii), vide number S.O.748 (E), dated the 3rd August, 2001, namely:- In the said notification, for TABLE-1, TABLE-2, and TABLE-3 the following Tables shall be substituted namely:- Sd/-(Zubair Riaz)Director (Customs) F.No.467/01/2017-Cus-VIssued by:Ministry of Finance(Department of Revenue)(Central Board ...

Corrigendum to number 100/2017-Customs (N.T.)
Dated 28th November, 2017 | Copy of | Customs Corrigendum-(N.T.) | CORRIGENDUM In the notification of the Government of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), number 100/2017-Customs (N.T.), dated the 27th October, 2017, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), vide number G.S.R.1347(E), dated the 30th October, 2017,- (i) at page-2, in line 15 “Unloading of imported goods and” shall be deleted. Sd/-(Zubair Riaz)Director (Customs) F.No.434/13/2015-Cus-IVIssued by:Ministry of Finance(Department of Revenue)Central Board of Excise and CustomsNew Delhi

Appointment of specified Officers of Customs for adjudicating the matters relating to Show Cause notice issued to specified Companies
Dated 28th November, 2017 | Copy of | Notification No.111/2017-Customs (N.T.) |

Specified Officers appointed as Common Adjudicating Authority
Dated 24th November, 2017 | Copy of | Notification No.19/2017-Customs |