WTO chief welcomes strong support of G7 leaders
A Declaration issued by leaders’ of G7 nations at the end of their summit in Germany on the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and its efforts on the multilateral trading system, was welcomed by the WTO Director-General (DG), Roberto Azevedo. The DG, attended the Summit to brief G7 leaders on the state of play in the current negotiations at the WTO and the importance of the WTO’s 10th Ministerial Conference, to be held in Nairobi this December. In addition to the leaders of the usual G7 participants (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, US and EU), also present were the leaders of Ethiopia, Iraq, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Tunisia and the Commission of the African Union. Azevedo said, “2015 is an important year for the multilateral system. On trade we need to support growth and development by advancing negotiations on the Doha Development Agenda. I told G7 members that delivering a work programme by July will be an important step to ensuring that the Ministerial Conference in Nairobi is a success, and that it delivers important outcomes, particularly for our least-developed members. This may be the best chance we have had to complete the DDA.” He also added, “While good engagement has been evident from WTO members over recent months, I am becoming increasingly worried about the current pace of progress, especially in the key areas of agriculture, industrial products and services. I told G7 leaders that political will and leadership will be essential here — and the time to take the big political calls is rapidly approaching.” The Director-General also underlined the importance of implementing all of the decisions taken in Bali, including those which deal specifically with LDC issues. The Director-General said he welcomed the key elements in the Communiqué on trade, particularly the call “... for swift agreement by July of a WTO post-Bali work programme that secures a prompt conclusion and balanced outcome of the Doha Round”. The Communiqué continued, “We must build on the success of the 2013 WTO Ministerial, which reinvigorated the negotiating pillar of the WTO, and demonstrated that flexibility is achievable within the consensus framework of the WTO. We look forward to the discussions at the G20 on ways to make the multilateral trading system work better, based on input from the WTO.” The Director-General will continue his consultations this week in Geneva towards agreeing the Doha work programme by July, said the WTO Release.
June 09, 2015 | 10:03 pm IST.