october 2015 issue

Date Book

Date Book October 2015

Have a product to showcase? Want to learn what your rivals are up to? Here’s a list of trade fairs you shouldn’t miss in October and November 2015.   India WORLD TEA & COFFEE EXPO October 01-03 Mumbai www.worldteacoffeeexpo.com The third ...
TDB Forum

TDB Forum Ask a question October 2015

In the world of export-import, each shipment counts. And you cannot afford to make any “uninformed investment”. So, if you have any doubt or a question, ask us. Our team of experts at The Dollar ...
Prime Focus

Warehousing In India - Changing Gears To Meet Future Challenges

A few decades ago, what we now call warehouses used to be dilapidated buildings called godowns. The industry has come a long way from those days, to become the backbone of the manufacturing and burgeoning ...

Printed Books & Newspapers - And You Thought Print Is Dead!

Talking of books, did you know that the highest selling non-fiction title in the world is ‘The Bible’? 5 billion copies sold in the last 200 years – about one for every talking Earthling. Ironically, ...
The Secret Ingredient

Gherkins - Cool Fruit, Cooler Gains

What comes to your mind when you think of cucumbers? Peeled cucumbers discs on a platter... isn’t it? Interestingly, this almost-solitary use of cucumbers in India means their supply is abundant and cheap, which is ...
Cover Story

Yet To Make In India?

It has been a year since Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the 'Make in India' programme that promised to transform India into a global design and manufacturing hub. Undoubtedly, since then, the battle cry has ...
Global Trade

Global Trade October 2015

News, events and analyses related to global trade and snippets of changing trade matrix during the month of September 2015     United States Federal funds rate Are we there yet? Putting an end to speculation over whether it would ...
Global Manager

"Fiat Deserves To Be In A Better Position In India"

It’s not been an easy drive for Fiat Chrysler on the Indian motorway. And Kevin Flynn, President and MD of Fiat Chrysler India, knows he’s got a game to change. In a conversation with The ...
India Trade

India Trade October 2015

News, leads and analysis related to India’s trade and all that’s happened on the policy front during the month of October 2015     INDIA-World Bank Ease of Doing Business Where do you stand? Gujarat, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s home state, has ...

Chickpeas - Time To Capitalise On Tradition

It’s an integral part of Indian cuisine, particularly in north India. While India is the biggest producer of chickpeas in the world, it is also its biggest importer. And with government policies still focused on ...
Overseas Talk

The India-EU FTA Will Cost India $6 Billion In Exports

Until a few years back, Turkey was the gladiator that everyone in a economically troubled Europe and politically troubled West Asia looked to for inspiration. But it has faced strong headwinds of late – political ...

Maghreb - Of Arab Spring & Maghreb Winter

Between the Atlantic and Egypt, lies Maghreb – a cluster that includes Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritiana. Accounting for just about 1.5% of world trade, dependent on oil and gas exports, rattled by the ...

Monologue - People Speak - October 2015

Highlighting the opinions and thoughts of policymakers and think-tanks on global trade and foreign policy If it adds to already a high level of volatility, that will not be productive. But if it comes at a ...
Steven Philip Warner | Editor-in-Chief

Forget Make In India. Start Exporting Oil!

Even today, we talk of getting India ready in terms of making engines, avionics, radar, sensors, etc., of commercial and defence aircraft. Until we reach a point in time when fully indigenised airplanes fly out ...

Inbox October 2015

We value your feedback, whether criticism or appreciation. And Here are a few that hit our mailboxes in September 2015 Your website has some really insightful information on the subject of foreign trade. I will definitely ...

Contents October 2015

Cover Story - Yet To Make In India? It has been a year since ‘make in india’ was announced – a plan that was meant to transform india’s manufacturing landscape. Has the campaign delivered ...