5.13 Exemption from maintenance of average export obligation

5.13 Exemption from maintenance of average export obligation (a)      In case of export of goods relating to the following the EPCG authorisation holder shall not be required to maintain average export obligation: (i) Handicrafts, (ii) Handlooms, (iii) Cottage & Tiny sector, (iv) Agriculture, (v) Aqua-culture (including Fisheries), Pisciculture, (vi) Animal husbandry, (vii) Floriculture & Horticulture, (viii) Poultry, (ix) Viticulture, (x) Sericulture, (xi) Carpets, (xii) Coir, and (xiii) Jute (b) However, this exemption from maintenance of average export obligation shall not be allowed for import of fishing trawlers, boats, ships and other similar items. (c) Goods, excepting tools imported under EPCG scheme by sectors specified in sub-paragraph (a) above, shall not be allowed to be transferred for a period of five years from date of imports even in cases where export obligation has been fulfilled.

The Dollar Business Bureau - May 27, 2015 12:00 IST