Stepping up vigilance mechanism to check smuggling of Oxytocin.
Dated 5th April 2018 | Copy of | Customs Instruction No: 8
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise & Customs
(Anti-Smuggling Unit)
New Delhi
All Principal Chief Commissioners/Chief Commissioners of Customs/Customs (Preventive),
All Principal Chief Commissioners/Chief Commissioners of Customs & CGST, The Director General, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence The Director General, Directorate of GST Intelligence
Ban on import of Oxytocin; Stepping up vigilance mechanism to check smuggling of Oxytocin — regarding.
The undersigned is directed to inform that in a meeting held in the Prime Minister’s Office regarding the ‘Harmful effects of Oxytocin’, it has been decided that all bonafide requirements of Oxytocin would be met by indigenous production and accordingly all the imports of Oxytocin/API in any name should be banned with immediate effect.
2. As a fallout of the ban on the import of Oxytocin/API in any name, it is likely that unscrupulous entities may attempt to smuggle Oxytocin by employing illegitimate means.
3. Therefore, it is requested that all field formations under your jurisdiction may be duly sensitised and suitably alerted to prevent any attempt to smuggle Oxytocin in any form or name. The enforcement and vigilance mechanism in all the field formations under your jurisdiction may be stepped up and tightened to thwart attempts to smuggle Oxytocin into India.
4. It is also requested that field formations under your jurisdiction may he alerted to remain vigilant to prevent unauthorised trade, sale or manufacturing of Oxytocin within India.
(Rohit Anand)
Under Secretary to the Government of India