Applicability of provisions of Para 2.20 of HBP
Dated 25th April 2018 | Copy of | DGFT Trade Notice No.03 | DGFT TRADE NOTICE To,All RAs of DGFTMembers of Trade Applicability of provisions of Para 2.20 ofHBP, 2015-20 on Advance Authorisationsissued under 2009-2014, FTP - reg This office has received a request for clarification regarding the date of applicability of provisions of para 2.20(d) of HBP 2015-20 on the Advance Authorisations issued under FTP, 2009-14.2. In this regard, it is clarified that Regional Authorities may allow revalidation of Advance Authorisation/DFIA, under the provisions of Para 2.20 of HBP, 2015-2020, which has been amended vide Public Notice 38 dated 9.11.2017, even if Authorisation is issued under FTP, 2009-14 provided conditions stipulated in the said Public Notice are fulfilled.3. This issues with the approval ...

DGFT Mumbai Trade Notice
Dated 18th April 2018 | Copy of | JT. DGFT Mumbai Trade Notice No.1| JT. DGFT MUMBAI TRADE NOTICE ToAll concerned. Amendment of IEC Attention of the Trade is invited towards following provisions relating to Modification of IEC under paragraph 2.14 (b) of the Handbook of Procedures, effective from 1.4.2015:“An application for modification may be made for change in details like name, address, constitution, ownership in Proprietorship firms, change in the nature of the firm e.g. from proprietorship to partnership etc. Change in constitution however, does not include change in Directors of Public Limited Company.”2. In the Handbook of Procedures notified made effective from 5.12.2017, the above provisions under paragraph 2.14 (b) relating to modification of IEC now reads as under:“An application for modification ...

Imports of Digital Offset Printing Plant from PR
Dated 23th April 2018 | Copy of | Anti-Dumping Investigation Notification Sl.49 |

Import policy conditions under Exim Code
Dated 16th April 2018 | Copy of | DGFT Notification No.02 | DGFT NOTIFICATION Amendment in import policy conditions under Exim Code 9022 ofChapter 90 of ITC (HS), 2017, Schedule-I (Import Policy). In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 of FT (D&R) Act, 1992, read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, as amended from time to time, the Central Government hereby amends the import policy conditions of the following items under Exim Code 9022 of Chapter 90 of ITC (HS), 2017, Schedule-I (Import Policy) as under: 2. Effect of this Notification: Import of radiation generating components under Exim codes 9022 12 00, 9022 14 10, 9022 14 20, 9022 30 00, 9022 90 10, 9022 90 20 and ...

New HS codes for laying down import policy for Kabuli Chana
Dated 16th April 2018 | Copy of | DGFT Notification No.02 | DGFT NOTIFICATION Incorporation of new HS codes for laying downimport policy for Kabuli Chana, Bengal gram andOthers under Exim Code 0713 of Chapter 07 of ITC(HS), 2017, Schedule-I (Import Policy). In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 of FT (D&R) Act, 1992, read with paragraph1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, as amended from time to time, the Central Government hereby incorporates new HS codes for laying down the import policy for Kabuli Chana, Bengal gram and Others under Exim Code 0713 of Chapter 07 of ITC (HS), 2017, Schedule-I (Import Policy) as under: 2. Effect of this Notification: New Exim code for Kabuli Chana, Bengal Gram and others ...

Launch of facility to check status of Importer Exporter Code
Dated 11th April 2018 | Copy of | DGFT Trade Notice No.02 | DGFT TRADE NOTICE To,1. All Regional Authorities of Directorate General of Foreign Trade2. Members of Trade Launch of facility to check status of Importer Exporter Code (IEC) application made to DGFT Importer Exporter Code (IEC) is applied/modified through online portal for IEC application. It has come to notice of DGFT that in some cases even after issuance of IEC by DGFT, the IEC data though transmitted by DGFT to ICEGATE (Customs) is not accepted by ICEGATE (Customs) due to some transmission errors. As a result, the IEC holder is unable to export/import using this IEC.Therefore, for early detection of such cases and timely resolution of such cases, a facility has been ...

Extension of time for filing PCN wise information in the anti-dumping investigation
Dated 02nd April, 2018 | Copy of | Anti-Dumping Investigation Extension Letter | ANTI-DUMPING INVESTIGATION To,All Interested Parties, (Case No.O.1./16/2017) Extension of time for filing PCN wise informationin the anti-dumping investigation concerningimports of “Straight Length Bars & Rods”originating in or exported from China PR. With regard to the above stated matter, regarding the request of extension of time for filing PCN wise information in the anti-dumping investigation, the matter was examined in detail and extension is granted up to 9th April, 2018.2. You will appreciate that the anti-dumping investigations are time bound. It is also noted that no request of further extension will be entertained. Keeping this in mind, you all are requested to avail the opportunity to file the PCN wise responses with in ...

Imports of Ceramic Roller from China PR final findings recommends imposition of definitive anti-dumping duty
Dated 26th March, 2018 | Copy of | Anti-Dumping Investigation Notification Sl.35 |